The file system I want

Working on backup programs for almost a decade now, I’ve had plenty of time to think about file system wrt backups. Basically I want the following properties in a file system online snapshots in a .snapshots directory (for instance). the possibility to say the all those .snapshot directories must be mounted on a separate mount point. to ability so say the .snapshot directories should be encrypted and send to remote server.
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XFCE title less theme

After some switching I have now settled on XFCE. With Ubuntu XFCE sometimes does not start, this is a dbus issue in combination with gnome-screensaver (a race condition between the two). This sucks, but can be resolved easily with apt-get remove gnome-screensaver (There aren’t any interesting option anyway…) So my XFCE is now up and running, time for some tweaking. In the quest for precious vertical pixels (especially on the EeePC 701 I own) I decided I must remove those pesky title bars.
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Grrrrr cd rm -rf Desktop mv Documents docs I don’t want desktop environments messing with MY home directory. Thank you.
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Setup postfix with clamav and spamassassin WITHOUT amavis

I’ve battled with amavis too often and I started to dislike it a little. So when I wanted to configured my postfix setup to scan for viruses and spam and needed a solution which would work without amavis. This is what I came up with. debian administration was kind enough to do the hard work, but this is only the setup for clamav and I also want to spam scan.
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Not thin, not thick, but lazy

I’m trying to move my noisy server to the cellar I’m left with the question how do I cater for my desktop computer needs. I would be nice to have a thin client, but then you have the problem that local devices do not work: because you are actually working on the server, it needs to “know” somehow that you have locally inserted an USB disk. This sucks. So how about a thick client, a client with enough power to run a full blown Linux distro.
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teletext (NL) script

Small script which display “teletekst” pages from the Dutch teletext (or the Belgium, but I’ve never used that). I’m not the original author, but feel free to grab your copy. #!/usr/bin/perl # # Dit scriptje laat de NOS teletext zien # # (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 by Bas Zoetekouw <> # All rights reserved. # # Naar een idee van Wouter Bergmann-Tiest # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1.
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multihome setup in Linux

This is an older article that I’ve brought back to live This was original written at the time of Linux 2.6.0 So be ware! update As it turns out, the script below never did work correctly (see the bottom of this page for an updated version). The reason it did work for me was that sshn INET_2 never blocked outgoing port 25…until October the 8th. This was at the same time I was experimenting with linux2.
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Vim and GPG

This info can also be found on the Internet, but I thought I compile it here too. Problem You want to save something (say passwords) in a file and protect the file with a master password (say with your PGP/GPG key). This can be cumbersome unless you have vim. The following examples will handle *.gpg files differently, vim will decrypt the file when opening it and encrypt the file when writing it.
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You all, of course, know about the fc command. From bash’s help system: fc: fc [-e ename] [-nlr] [first] [last] or fc -s [pat=rep] [cmd] fc is used to list or edit and re-execute commands from the history list. FIRST and LAST can be numbers specifying the range, or FIRST can be a string, which means the most recent command beginning with that string. Now I had the following problem: you have a file with shell commands in it.
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XFCE to Xmonad and back again

Well, after giving Xmonad a chance I’ve reverted back to XFCE. This time with a 1-pixel wide window decoration. Short story: I really like the tiling of Xmonad (or any other tiling window manager). But you do miss some flexibility if you really want to move a window. Also I needed a panel and system tray, which are available as third-party tools, but aren’t the real deal. So back to XFCE.
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zsh prompt, part 2

Every now and then I get the ‘prompt-itch’ and then I need to tweak my prompt again :) Of course I’m very happy with the way my prompt was. My idea of a good prompt is to be as short as possible and still be informative about your environment: Only tell stuff I’m really interrested in and for the rest SHUT THE HELL UP! So no date output in my prompt, If I want to know the time I will type date myself.
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a new LaTeX style

I’ve created a new latex style to mimic some old school UNIX manuals I’ve been reading the past few months. It’s a very plain style that keeps out of your face. This in contrast with the blockbook style This is how it looks: You can read about it a small howto doc. To use it, you will also need the class file. UPDATE I’ve updated the style file so that the description lists will be indented with the same amount of space, no so more
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XFS corrupt again

Hmmm, this is the second time in 1 year that I had a corrupt filesystem on my raid partition. I saw no other option than mke2fs -j /dev/md7. My first problem with XFS started on my fileserver, which only had 256 MB of memory. Turns out XFS was OOM-ing inside the kernel, this in turned messed up the filesystem. xfs_repair was also running out of memory. When I finally got enough virtual memory in this box xfs_repair was kind enough to segfault.
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Giving GNOME the boot

The GNOME decadence thread got me thinking. What does GNOME give me? (I consider myself a hardcore UNIX user). Well… it gives a nice interface with a nice terminal implementation (gnome-terminal). Further more with the recent Ubuntu 8.04, it also provides PulseAudio, never got that working btw, went back to ALSA. Tracker, what the hell was ever wrong with locate? Never got that working, and when I did, it was dog slow.
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git quick ref

I’m publishing this for my own future reference. A short usage guide on git for an ex-svn addict. goal client server init .git repo git init git init start remote repo git clone ssh://server add a file git add $file git add $file commit the file git commit -a -m"log" git commit -a -m"log" upload to server git push origin master import remote changes git reset --hard get changes from server git pull
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A popup from .procmailrc

Note: this is an older article that I’ve revived. Also note: in todays email flood I don’t know if such a popup is something you want to use… #intro I’ve used gnubiff, xbiff and God knows what to provide a simple notify when receiving mail. But I wanted more. I want to be able to tweak certain settings, without going in to the source code of the application. Also the way mail notifiers mess with your mailbox is not something I particularly like.
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DNSSEC Presentation for the NLLGG

On Jun the 7th I gave a little presentation about DNSSEC at the NLLGG meeting. The presentation is in Dutch and the title is: “DNSSEC, wat is het? Komt het er ooit nog van?” (DNSSEC, what is it? Does it ever happen?) the pdf of the presentation
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my git workflow

I’ve been using git for some time now, but as mentioned elsewhere the learning curse for this ‘stupid content tracker’ is quite steep. Right now I finally seem be getting the hang of it and can use it in a svn like manner. So we have: adding a file to a reposity: git add <file> committing it to the local branch: git commit -a -m"log" uploading it to the remote master: git push origin master And the one that took about 2 months to find:
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Ubuntu 8.04 (beta)

Hmmpf, those Ubuntu guys are good. If just finished a painless upgrade to the new Ubuntu: Hardy Heron. Some subtile differences; better Gnome (new metacity with composer). And some other stuff that I’m discovering right now. :-)
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Setup VIM7 spelling in Ubuntu

The default VIM7 install is equipped with the English dictionary, but as I’m Dutch I wanted to use the Dutch spelling, unfortunately these spell files are not included in Ubuntu. The following article is a short howto on how to add this wonderful feature to your VIM. Dutch spelling Download your language from the debian experimental archive. I needed Dutch so I downloaded: /main/v/vim-spellfiles/vim-spellfiles-nl_20060604-1_all.deb Install this with: dpkg -i vim-spellfiles-nl_20060604-1_all.deb This will put some files in /usr/share/vim/addons.
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Best VIM tip ever!

Vim tip 21 allows you to copy text between VIM session running in different terminals! No more using your mouse to copy, just yank in one terminal and paste in another! Put this in your .vimrc: set clipboard=unnamed set go+=a
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OpenSSH and clear text passwords

Usually people use SSH as a replacement for rsh, which is of course a good thing. SSH uses encryption to transport your password to the remote server for authentication. But SSH can do more, you can use a public/private key pair and set it up in such a way (google around for howto’s), that SSH will only transport a public key over the Internet. This way no passwords are transported, so even if someone breaks the encryption, no harm is done.
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Boot from USB with RAID on your harddisks

Goal The name of the game is getting a minimum maintenance RAID server up and running. The OS should be bootable from an USB stick and the RAID disks will be SATA disks. Installation and setup This section handles the initial installation and setup procedure. By keeping the OS small (and on USB) it will (hopefully) make backups and restores more easy, USB stick First install Debian/Ubuntu on the USB stick.
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Metacity 2.23.3

I’ve been running a development release of metacity for some time know and I really like it. Especially with the new composer that you can enable. I’ve made some screenshots of my setup: drop shadows Every menu and window has a drop shadow now, this shows the workspace switcher. Too bad this hasn’t got a fixup (yet?). alt-tabbing The new alt-tab screen. This looks quite a bit like the one from Compiz, but its very nice to have this in metacity itself.
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Postfix setup on a laptop.

older article that I’ve revived. Problem The problem: you have a laptop and you’re not always connected to the Internet. Still you want to sent mail even when you’re offline. You cannot use just any mail server out there, ‘cause a lot of them don’t relay. So you must use your own mail server. You'll need: postfix, only used for queuing and forwarding the mail openSSH, for setting up a tunnel OpenSSH config You will need to create a ssh tunnel to your mail server.
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DNS filesystem

I’ve reworked my older DNS filesystem Perl script to make something nicer. It’s still not perfect, but works much better. You can now cat files for instance. The filesizes are something that should also be fixed, if set them to 512 bytes. From a DNS standpoint some other things can be improved. Right now everything is shown from a zone (everything that can be discovered that is), however this also includes glue…
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Split DNS done right: 2 servers; NSD and BIND9

Open recursors are a problem. They can be used by attackers to amplify a packet stream to a victim. As such you should only be running a recursor on your internal network and an authoritative server on your interfaces facing the big, bad Internet. You can run BIND9 with a split view (also called ‘split brain’), or use my setup: a NSD serving the outside world, and using BIND9 as recursor for your internal network.
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My ZSH prompt setup

I like tweak my prompt and I use zsh, thus I have infinite possibilities :-) I owe much the phil’s prompt which gave me a lot of ideas. My prompt is ofcourse in full color, as I’m a fan of that too. (Old UNIX users may shrudder at this point…) Right now I have a prompt that keeps out of my face, but when needed has some usefull extras; like showing background jobs and showing the exit code of the previous command if it wasn’t equal to zero.
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Moved to Maildir

Well, after having used the go’old mbox format, I have now changed my mail setup to maildir. What a difference. I think the load on my machine is actual less then before the transition. I used google (mbox convert maildir) to convert my setup to maildir, this was all relatively easy. Both postfix and procmail were “fixed” this way. After restarting I indeed saw mail being deliverd to my newly created Maildir directory in my homedir.
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Apache2 configureren/opzetten (in Dutch)

Ik beheer mijn eigen DNS en mijn eigen mail/web server op de computer die ik thuis heb staan; gewoon om te blijven leren hoe zulke zaken in elkaar steken. Ik zal hier vertellen hoe ik een site op heb gezet. Tis wel ontzettend lang geleden sinds ik dit allemaal opgezet heb, dus ik hoop dat ik het nog juist vertel. voorbereiding Dit verhaal gaat er vanuit dat je een domein hebt geregistreerd en dat er een A (address) record met de naam ‘www’ bestaan.
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