Make me a sandwich, MAKE me a sandwich

We all know this comic: And now in zsh! With the following snippet all commands that are started with an uppercase word will be prefixed with sudo and then executed. So MAKE me a sandwich, becomes sudo make me a sandwich. accept-line() { local B B=(${=BUFFER}) if [[ "$B[1]" != [A-Z]* ]]; then zle .accept-line return fi if [[ $B[1] != "" && $B[1] == $B[1]:u ]]; then BUFFER="sudo $B[1]:l $B[2,-1]" fi zle .
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color me, color you

In the xoria256m post, I introduced my xoria256 like color scheme. Again, inspired by solarized, I extended this to other applications. So now I use this in the following apps: vim (see that previous post); mutt (idem); zsh; dircolors; git (a bit). zsh See this file to setup the colors. Then in my prompt I have stuff like: PS1=$'${vcs_info_msg_0_}$FG[067]%(1j.$myjobs% $FX[reset].$FX[reset])$FG[179]%#$FX[reset] ' RPS1="$RPSL%$MAXMID<...<$mypath$RPSR$FG[239]$FX[bold]$__ZH$FX[reset]${vcs_info_msg_1_}" RPSR=$'$FX[reset]$FG[009]%(0?.$FG[reset]. $E)$FX[reset]' For zsh I have two files that make up my prompt:
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My f() function in Zsh (and maybe Bash)

Familiar with the following? You are aware of (shell)file which contains a interesting line and you think: “I want to execute this line on the command prompt”. Most people will do the following: % more <file> [select interesting bit with your mouse] [paste]<enter> And the code gets executed. I propose the following function: f(), which does the following: It opens the file in $EDITOR (:= vim of course); You delete everything you don’t want to execute; What’s left gets executed; And it is added to your shell’s history.
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Case insensitive cd

Do I want this? % ls -ld Joe_Cocker_-_The_Definitive_Collection drwxr-xr-x 2 miekg admin 4.0K Jul 20 22:20 Joe_Cocker_-_The_Definitive_Collection/ % cd *joe* cd: no such file or directory: *joe* % unsetop case_glob % cd *joe* % pwd /shared/vol/music/J/Joe_Cocker_-_The_Definitive_Collection
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Zsh prompt updates

I wanted some git information in the prompt I currently have. While thinking and googling about this, a quote on Bart’s log got me thinking. I don’t need to see my current host, nor do I need to see my current user name. I always login under my own account (miekg) and if I do change accounts, I probably will be forced to use bash. So showing the current user name is quite useless.
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The builtin test operator

In bash (and other shells) you can use the [[ construct From the bash manpage: [[ expression ]] Return a status of 0 or 1 depending on the evaluation of the conditional expression expression. Expressions are composed of the primaries described below under CONDITIONAL EXPRESSIONS. Word splitting and pathname expansion are not performed on the words between the [[ and ]]; tilde expansion, parameter and variable expansion, arithmetic expansion, command substitution, process substitution, and quote removal are performed.
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ssh’s ControlMaster with zsh

You are using the ControlMaster feature of ssh and you are having problems remembering which shell is the master? That’s why I’ve made zsh display this in the prompt. You get a m@ when a connection is a master connection and an @ if it is a slave. setting up The check if we are a master works by creating a file which has $SSH_CLIENT as the name, as the following snippet shows.
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updated gitvi script

The script in using git and vi together was a little bit borked, as too many git repo’s were created. Hence a new and improved version. This one will look up the directory tree to spot an existing git repository - is nothing found a new one will be created in $PWD. code #!/bin/zsh # a wrapper around git and vi # expands $Hash$ to $Hash: file short_hash epoch committer $ # git checkout HEAD $file?
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Using GIT and VI together

A long while back I used vi together with rcs to manage files in /etc. This worked, but I found rcs to be clunky. So welcome to the 21st century and my git + vi script. It is a wrapper around git, which will create a new git repository, add the file and commit it when changed. The script will also expand $Hash$ to $Hash: basename-of-file short-commit-hash epoch committer` a typical example is
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You all, of course, know about the fc command. From bash’s help system: fc: fc [-e ename] [-nlr] [first] [last] or fc -s [pat=rep] [cmd] fc is used to list or edit and re-execute commands from the history list. FIRST and LAST can be numbers specifying the range, or FIRST can be a string, which means the most recent command beginning with that string. Now I had the following problem: you have a file with shell commands in it.
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