The first part.

This cfg mgmt system uses a micro language to perform the changes on the target system. This language is limited in its scope and has the following “instructions”:

REM 1 TEXT a comment
MKDIR 2 MODE PATH create a directory
COPY 2 SRC-PATH DST-PATH copy a file
CHMOD 2 MODE PATH set the mode
CHOWN 2 USER/ID PATH set the owner
CHGRP 2 GROUP/ID PATH set the group
RM 1 PATH rm the file
EXEC 1 CMD install a package

These micro-instruction basically all call a simple system call to make the changes. Note, except for the latter this is the Unix API of everything is a file. EXEC is now only used to install/deinstall a package; of course such a generic instruction is ripe for abuse…

Each of these instructions has an (implicit?) condition attached. For example COPY will only copy a file if the destination differs from the source in some way.

Instructions always have an action attached to them, so if the condition is false, the instruction executes and the resulting action is also performed. The actions I can think of are:

NOP 0 do nothing
SYSCTL 2 COMMAND UNIT execute systemctl

Using an example, some snippet of a higher level language generated the following microcode, the condition is implicit, the action is after the &&:

REM file blah generated this
EXEC   apt-get install coredns            && NOP
COPY   Corefile /etc/coredns/Corefile     && SYSCTL restart-or-reload coredns
CHOWN  coredns /etc/coredns/Corefile      && SYSCTL restart-or-reload coredns
CHGRP  coredns /etc/coredns/Corefile      && SYSCTL restart-or-reload coredns
COPY   db.example /etc/coredns/db.example && SYSCTL restart-or-reload coredns
CHOWN  coredns /etc/coredns/db.example    && SYSCTL restart-or-reload coredns
CHGRP  coredns /etc/coredns/db.example    && SYSCTL restart-or-reload coredns

Now when we run through this we just do what it says (we can defer the SYSCTLs and only do them once).

In its core this system will parse a text file with micro-instruction and execute them. There is some intelligence needed to be efficient and do as little work as possible, but we can brush that aside as optimization (for now).

I also really like this file to be in plain text, you can even edit it! And note there is also an implicit version (git hash) to facilitate rollback (and roll forwards). See the first part for some incoherent thoughts on that.