The development of the language Go is going at a fast pace, hence an updated version of Super-short guide to gettinq q.

Get the latest version (called weekly) of Go:

  1. Get Go: hg clone -u release go Note the directory you have downloaded it to and set add its bin directory to your PATH: PATH=$PWD/go/bin.

  2. Update Go to the latest weekly: cd go; hg pull; hg update weekly

  3. Compile Go: cd src, you should now sit in go/src. And compile: ./all.bash

Install missing commands (gcc, sed, bison, etc.) if needed.

The latest Go is now installed. You should now have the go-tool, this is the central interface to all Go program building tasks.

$ go
Go is a tool for managing Go source code.

Usage: go command [arguments]

The commands are:

build       compile packages and dependencies
clean       remove object files
doc         run godoc on package sources
fix         run go tool fix on packages
lost more

If you can not run go, check your PATH.

Install Go DNS and set GOPATH

The GOPATH variable specifies (among things) where your Go code lives. Using the go tool does bring a few requirements to the table in how to layout the directory structure.

  1. Create toplevel directory (~/g) for your code: mkdir -p ~/g/src
  2. Set GOPATH to this toplevel directory: export GOPATH=~/g
  3. Get dns: cd ~/g/src; git clone git://
  4. Compile it: cd dns; go build
  5. Compile and install the examples, there is a helper Makefile here, but it just calls go multiple times: cd ex; make
  6. Look in $GOPATH/bin for the binaries, in this setup that will be ~/g/bin
  7. Query with q: ~/g/bin/q mx (or add ~/g/bin to your $PATH too)
  8. Report bugs