I’ve created a small wrapper for libunbound for use in Go.

The code can be found at github. It depends on my Go DNS library which can be found here.

Official announcement on the Unbound-users@ list.

To give you a little taste of how it looks, I’ve (re)created tutorials 2 to 6 in Go. Tutorial 2 looks like this, for instance:

package main

// https://www.unbound.net/documentation/libunbound-tutorial-2.html

import (

func main() {
        u := unbound.New()
        defer u.Destroy()

        if err := u.ResolvConf("/etc/resolv.conf"); err != nil {
                fmt.Printf("error %s\n", err.Error())

        if err := u.Hosts("/etc/hosts"); err != nil {
                fmt.Printf("error %s\n", err.Error())

        r, err := u.Resolve("www.nlnetlabs.nl.", dns.TypeA, dns.ClassINET)
        if err != nil {
                fmt.Printf("error %s\n", err.Error())
        fmt.Printf("%+v\n", r)