Coding Erlang
For the past year or so I’ve been trying to learn a new language called Erlang.
I’ve found this nice document, which can be used when learning the language. So here I am on Saturday evening doing some Erlang exercises :-)
Anyhow, I was doing exercise 3.4:
- Erlang provides a function lists:append which joins two lists together, implement you own function append that performs the append operation. (Do NOT peek; the answer is given in figure 3.11).
And the answer given is:
CODE(erlang){ % Append 2 lists together -module(append). -export([append/2]).
append([], L) -> L; append([H|T], L) -> [H, append(T, L)]. }CODE
However, when I test this I get:
% erl
1> c(append).
2> append:append([4,5,6], [1,2,3]).
Which made me suspicious. Checking with the official BIF:
3> lists:append([4,5,6], [1,2,3]).
Hmm. With a little help from “Programming Erlang” I found the ++
operator for adding lists together. So my final solution became:
CODE(erlang){ % Append 2 lists together -module(append). -export([append/2]).
append([], L) -> L; append([H|T], L) -> [H] ++ append(T, L). }CODE
4> c(append).
5> append:append([4,5,6], [1,2,3]).
The only ugly thing IMHO is the creation of the one element list with
at the last line.