xmodmap is dead
I’m using an Apple keyboard at work since a day or two, but for some reason this keyboard has a special key for eject, because in 1898 that was useful when you wanted to eject a cdrom.

Anyway making this key do something useful proved incredible painful, especially since
is deprecated and we should all use xkb (setxkbmap
). In our new
world of hotplugging everything this kinda makes sense (xmodmap settings are lost when your
USB keyboard goes to sleep).
I use i3, but with gnome-settings-daemon running.
So first I removed the eject functionality in there (not tested if this still is needed, with the
later fix). In dconf-editor, go to org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys and remove the
Value from the key named eject
Searching more I found this site, which gave
me to solution I settled on. With xev
I found out the keycode sent is 169.
Dump the current config with xkbcomp $DISPLAY
, this creates a file that will be called
Find the line where keycode 169 is mapped:
key <I167> { [ XF86Forward ] };
key <I169> { [ XF86Eject ] };
key <I170> { [ XF86Eject, XF86Eject ] };
And change the key <I169>
on to use BackSpace
(for instance). Compile it to an .xkm
and load the keymap:
xkbcomp server_0.xkb
xkbcomp server_0.xkm $DISPLAY
In xmodmap this would have something like (untested) keycode 169 = BackSpace
, which is of course
so simple it needed a better solution.