Lazy client part III
In my ongoing effort to make my lazy client work I’ve embarked on the next phase of the project: Making a client boot from a generic NFS mounted root partition and then giving it its own /etc on a ramdisk.
This way I’m saving disk space and administration overhead on my
server. The virtual /etc is provisioned by cfengine
. This allows
for small changes between the lazy clients while they still share
the bulk of the rest of the files.
In Debian and Ubuntu the first script that is started when
is booting is:
# grep sysinit /etc/inittab
. This will be a good starting point to make
a ramdisk and copying /etc over to the ramdisk and then restarting
the boot-up.
The script itself is small:
#! /bin/sh
# rcS
# Call all S??* scripts in /etc/rcS.d/ in numerical/alphabetical order
exec /etc/init.d/rc S
What is needed to make a ramdisk? I’m going to use tmpfs
First we need an empty directory which will hold our ramdisk. As
this directory is created on the shared (NFS) filesystem, we need
some way to make this directory random. As this is the first
script run from init
it will probably have a low PID
, so
using $$
is not a good idea as it might be not so random.
Let’s use /bin/mktemp
to create a dir, mount it as a ramdisk,
copying /etc over and re-mounting it over /etc
. Like this
# make a unique directory
RAMDISK=$(mktemp -d -p /var/tmp ram.XXXXXX)
# mount it as tmpfs disk
/bin/mount -t tmpfs tmpfs $RAMDISK
# next copy /etc over
/bin/cp -rap /etc $RAMDISK
# mount this "new" disk UNDER /etc
/bin/mount -o bind $RAMDISK /etc
The final script When putting this together the following SHOULD work. I say should here, because I haven’t tested this (yet).
#! /bin/sh
# rcS
# Call all S??* scripts in /etc/rcS.d/ in numerical/alphabetical order
# make a unique directory
RAMDISK=$(mktemp -d -p /var/tmp ram.XXXXXX)
# mount it as tmpfs disk
/bin/mount -t tmpfs tmpfs $RAMDISK
# next copy /etc over
/bin/cp -rap /etc $RAMDISK
# mount this "new" disk UNDER /etc
/bin/mount -o bind $RAMDISK /etc
# start the rest
exec /etc/init.d/rc S
Somewhere in the boot process cfengine
comes along and will
configure this host. The only thing needed for that is that
needs to know which host it is configuring. One idea
could be to put the IP number of a host in /proc/cmdline
and then
have a module look at the file.
If this works then cfengine
can work its magic.
Links Other postings about this subject:
It works! More postings on this later