teletext (NL) script
Small script which display “teletekst” pages from the Dutch teletext (or the Belgium, but I’ve never used that).
I’m not the original author, but feel free to grab your copy.
# Dit scriptje laat de NOS teletext zien
# (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 by Bas Zoetekouw <>
# All rights reserved.
# Naar een idee van Wouter Bergmann-Tiest
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
# are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
# notice and this list of conditions.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
# notice and this list of conditions in the
# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
## 2003-01-06: niew teletekst format
## 2003-01-06: kleurtjes
## 2003-01-06: meer html entities toegevoegd (dank Richard)
## 2003-01-22: VRT support
## 2003-02-07: kleur support aangepast
#use strict;
#my $SOURCE = "VRT";
my $SOURCE = "NOS";
my $LYNX;
foreach my $l (qw|/usr/bin/links /usr/bin/lynx lynx|) {
if (-x $l) {
$LYNX=$l; last;
my $color = 1;
if ((scalar @ARGV > 0) && ($ARGV[0] eq "-m")) {
$color = 0;
shift @ARGV;
my %COLORS = ( "000000" => "\e[30m", #black
"black" => "\e[30m", #black
"ff0000" => "\e[31m", #red
"red" => "\e[31m", #red
"00ff00" => "\e[32m", #green
"lime" => "\e[32m", #green
"0000ff" => "\e[34m", #blue
"blue" => "\e[34m", #blue
"ffff00" => "\e[33m", #yellow
"yellow" => "\e[33m", #yellow
"ff00ff" => "\e[35m", #magenta
"fuchsia"=> "\e[35m", #magenta
"00ffff" => "\e[36m", #cyan
"aqua" => "\e[36m", #cyan
"ffffff" => "\e[37m", #white
"white" => "\e[37m", #white
"reset" => "\e[0m"); #reset color
my %HTML = ( """ => '"',
"­" => "",
"<" => '<',
"&" => '&',
">" => '>');
sub display(\@) {
my @Output=@{(shift)};
my ($print, $last) = (0, 0);
foreach my $line (@Output) {
# print "--> $line";
($print = 1) if ($line =~ s/^.*<pre>//i);
($last = 1) if ($line =~ s/<\/pre>.*$//i);
next unless ($print==1);
if ($color==1) {
foreach (keys %COLORS) {
$line =~ s/COLOR=$_[^>]*>/>$COLORS{"$_"}/ig;
foreach (keys %HTML) {
$line =~ s/$_/$HTML{"$_"}/ig;
$line =~ s,<[^>]+>,,g;
last if ($last == 1);
print $line;
print $COLORS{"reset"};
my ($Pagina, $SubPagina) = @ARGV;
$Pagina = "100" if (scalar @ARGV == 0);
$SubPagina = "1" if (scalar @ARGV <= 1);
my @Output = ("");
if ($SOURCE eq "NOS") {
$SubPagina = sprintf("%02i", $SubPagina);
@Output = `$LYNX -source '${Pagina}-${SubPagina}.html'`;
} elsif ($SOURCE eq "VRT") {
@Output = `$LYNX -source '${Pagina}/${SubPagina}&g=0&s=0&r=0&x=1'`
display @Output;
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