#!/bin/bash # take entry id, and give back related articles NB_EntryID="$1" NB_EntryID=${NB_EntryID:1} CAT=$(grep -l $NB_EntryID /home/miekg/miek.nl/blog/data/cat_*.db) # Get the last 3 articles and print those j=0 for i in $CAT; do for art in $(tail -3 $i); do if [ "$art" != "$NB_EntryID" ]; then [ ! -r /home/miekg/miek.nl/blog/data/$art ] && continue title="$(head -1 /home/miekg/miek.nl/blog/data/$art | sed -re 's/^TITLE: //')" # normalize title, copied from comment.php t=${title// /_} t=$(echo $t | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') t=$(echo $t | sed -re "s/\.+/_/g") # kill . # t=${t//./_} # kill . t=${t//\+/_} # kill + t=${t//\//} # kill slashes t=${t///} # kill > t=${t//\)/} # kill ) # kill quotes t=$(echo $t | sed -re "s/'(.*)'/\1__/") # kill quotes date=${art:0:10} date=${date//-//} link[$j]="$title" ((j++)) fi done break done if [[ $j -ne 0 ]]; then # we have at least one echo "
Related: " fi k=0; ((j--)) while [[ $k -lt $j ]]; do echo ${link[$k]}"," ((k++)) done if [[ -n ${link[$k]} ]]; then echo ${link[$k]} fi